Our Life

Our Life
Wordle of the last 8 months

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hubbub and Hollabaloo

It's a zoo here, really.  I have 7 kids.  Karis really needs 40+ hours of behavioral therapy a week.  Zachy needs 20-40.  Plus I homeschool.  Don't think I haven't given consideration to the fact that I am in way over my head here.

The GAPS diets is extremely time consuming. I am unable to procure ABA therapy, which leaves it entirely up to me to provide the quality and quantity of time necessary for Z and K to thrive.

Rochelle asked not to go to school.  She promises she will be responsible and self-motivated enough to keep on top of her school work and help around the house.  Besides, public high schools do not accept credit from homeschooled students, so despite being about 1/2 done with high school, she's be effectively starting from scratch.

AJ really can't go school-he's 13 and taking college level courses.  It would do him a real disservice to have to go back and sit through middle school classes.

Maggie doesn't want to go to school-she has some learning disabilities and lots of general anxiety and really does better with me teaching her.  She and Paul really have been spending lots of time arguing and interrupting my work with Karis, though, so the jury is still out on this one.  I'll re-evaluated once our full program is up and running.

Paul doesn't care really, but since he's doing all the same stuff Maggie is, it's not like it creates extra work.

There is a special needs preschool we are looking into for Zach and Karis.  IT's 2 1/2 hours a day, and we are about 90% sure we aren't going to take that route.  I was taught at the Son-rise program that really individual therapy is more effective in the long run than a school setting, and I believe it...  It's just finding the time and the help to implement it.

Then there's Charlie.  Too little for school, and that's ok.  He's such a cutie and I'm glad he's always hanging around.

We've hired someone to help with the housework a couple times a week.  I've recruited some volunteers to work with Z and K in the mornings so I can get meals made and homeschooling done.  Just managing all those people is a job itself.  We have goals to write out and meetings to plan...

I feel like I have so much to learn.  I want to read some Son-rise blog posts or watch training DVDs because I feel like it would help me be a better play-therapist, but that's time I could be spending with Zach and Karis.  In fact, Karis-who's supposed to be sleeping-just came in to find me.  It's time to sign off and go hang out with my sweetie!

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